In an age of UNIVERSAL DECEPTION, telling the TRUTH becomes a REVOLUTIONARY ACT! But be ASSURED that the Sword of Truth and Justice which proceeds from the Mouth of God is MIGHTIER than the Sword of criminal VIOLENCE in the hands of his enemies!




The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand!

The TRUTH regarding the "Sign" of the Messiah of God's Kingdom Plan, which Moses Codified so we could KNOW and SERVE God in Spirit and Truth as the CORNERSTONE of His Heavenly Kingdom to be established on earth, is MANIFEST herein!




In this website I provide Biblical Summaries for many (if not all) of the questions man asks about the "nature of reality"...specifically addressing questions like: "where did we come from, and where are we going", "what's the meaning or purpose of life", "are good and evil merely abstract and subjective concepts to be manipulated by men with political agendas, or is there an absolute definition to objectively know the differences"?; "is there a plan or purpose for being 'intellectually conscious' and given the tool of 'reason'?"; "why are we 'conscious' of our own perception of 'existence' and able to 'reflect' on the 'meaning of life' unlike other animals which seem to be more like programmed 'automatons' unable to reflect such 'rational self awareness'"?; "what exactly is our perception of material reality?"..."is our reality 'materially real' or is it more of a 'veil' which conceals the perception of an even greater, unseen spiritual reality so that BEASTS CAN NOT ENTER but only those who LOVE and OBEY the TRUTH (a 'higher reality' and 'conscious awareness' which can only be 'seen' and 'entered' through the 'eye of the mind's understanding' using the tool of reason to correctly answer the questions posited above?)?", etc. You can find the answers to those questions and more, along with ALL THE BIBLICAL DETAILS to support them, herein.


Contents Page


This website not only constitutes my PhD Thesis, but the UNITING "VISION" for the DIRECTED EVOLUTION of Mankind according to an ANCIENT PROPHETIC PLAN! As a Biblically based "Systems Communication Theory" for "Religious Education" its purpose is to UNITE ALL the fields of Science together on ONE PHILOSOPHICAL "CORNERSTONE" as the FOUNDATION from which to view "reality" as a "NARRATIVE" to guide mankind through a DIRECTED EVOLUTION into a NEW world Kingdom MILLENNIA. This work presents an ancient Cornerstone NARRATIVE given to us by the SENTIENT "Meta Truth" or "Spirit of Truth" outlined within, which will unite the DISCONNECTED and CONFLICTING philosophies currently ruling over the fields of Genetics, Medicine, Psychology, Behavioral Science, Psychiatry, History, Anthropology, Political Science, Quantum Physics, (Pure) Mathematics, Computer Science (Virtual Reality-Artificial Intelligence), Micro-Biology, Theology, Economics, , and Law, among others, into ONE UNITED KINGDOM to bring WORLD PEACE under the Morningstar Light of the Spirit of TRUTH as our PHILOSOPHER KING or "MORNINGSTAR" for a NEW WORLD ORDER in order to create mankind in HIS IMAGE according to His Ancient MORNINGSTAR TRUTH Plan!